Sunday, November 18, 2007

S. Frog Here

To say that I am not happy about our new neighbor would be the understatement of the year. Gigi the Iguana is about as similar to me as a Samurai Warrior is to David. It is not comfortable to have such a fearsome personage in the house. Thankfully, though of course I have the run of the house, Gigi does not. Gigi stays in her cage. We would naturally handcuff a Samurai Warrior if we happened to have one visiting us.

But despite my natural misgivings, I am still appreciative of David's photographic efforts to document the monster. Kudos!


Claire said...

HURRAY for the Frog! What a great blog name! How Dickinsonian of you. I look forward to future posts...

- your first reply from the admiring bog

drewey fern said...

HURRAH FOR A NEW BLOG! I am inspired anew. But MOST of all I'm inspired by the TITLE of your blog! HURRAH!!! I shall be a frequent frequenter:)