Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sundry news items of interest

I have moved my place of residence recently. The ensuing exhaustion has not allowed me to post as frequently as I would have wished. But now the settling in process is mostly completed, and my new pad is starting to feel like home.

At the same time I am sitting for a portrait. This consumes a fair amount of my already precious time. I trust the results will be up for all to view as soon as it is finished. I shall try to send out an announcement. I am pleased to be able to offer a first view of this great work of art on my blog-I am certain it will soon be occupying a place of honor next to that great lady, Mona.

Also in the works- though probably a little further in the future- is a historical look at the great sea battle of Salamis. It has recently come to light that one of my great-great ancestors was actually present at the battle. I and my team of researchers are in the process of translating and reading this illustrious frog's journals. We will share the results here.

Signing off,
S. Frog

1 comment:

Claire said...

Looking forward, with baited breath, to these future developments. KEEP POSTING, PUBLIC FROG!!!